Successful Final Event of the VVM Project in Stuttgart

The pre-competitive research project Verification Validation Methods (VVM), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and initiated by the VDA flagship initiative for autonomous and connected driving, provided detailed insights into the findings and work results during the final presentation on November 21 and 22, 2023. Over the course of four years, 21 partners from the German automotive industry have come together to develop the world's first structures for the verification of safety standards for automated vehicles in urban environments.
For the dialogue at the Carl-Benz Arena in Stuttgart, over 300 participants gathered on each of the two days, with more than 600 individuals also tuning into the live stream. The first day focused on the project overview. Keynote speeches by George Massing, Vice President of Automated Driving, Vehicle Networking & Integration at Mercedes-Benz, and Michael Kram, CTO Automated Driving at Bosch, highlighted the significance of the project for the development in the involved organizations. International guests and speakers from the USA, Japan, and the EU underlined the importance of the VVM project. The event began with a live address from Ernst Stöckl-Pukall from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as the funding provider. On the following day, participants delved deeper into core topics of the VVM project in three sessions.
It became evident over the two days that the higher the level of automated driving and the more complex a system’s area of application, such as in urban traffic, the more factors need to be taken into account during development. This explains the need for suitable verification and validation methods, which was the focus of the VVM project’s efforts.
At the end of its project term, and building on the results of its Pegasus and SetLevel predecessor projects, VVM now delivers the world’s first consistent methodical approach to safety for automated driving in an urban environment, enabling industry-wide collaboration and value creation. The scenario-based safety verification approach pursued in the project could help to set global standards once it has been approved by the authorities. VVM has created a reference system for the industry that is relevant for the future, closes a methodological gap for practical validation, and secures the pioneering role of German industry in international competition on automated driving.
Throughout the entire project duration, EICT has provided organizational and advisory support to the project management team and jointly managed the project with the project leaders. EICT has developed the project identity, coordinated communication, and designed, planned, and implemented all project events, including the final event in Stuttgart.
Photo: ©Jürgen Biniasch