RobustSENSE Final Event and technical review successfully held
The RobustSENSE project successfully came to an end in Ulm, Germany. At the final event of RobustSENSE, held on 16th of May, project results were presented through driving demonstrations, keynote presentations and an extensive exhibition.
The event gathered altogether over 90 participants, who had the unique possibility to hop into six automated vehicles, all demonstrating different aspects of the RobustSENSE sensor platform. In addition to the demonstrations, the conference and exhibition gave a comprehensive overview of the project’s key achievements for autonomous driving in all weather conditions as well as presenting the newly developed hardware.
An animated project film explaining the technical approach and the major achievements for a wider and more general audience also premiered at the Final Event.
The project completed with promising results, which the partners presented to the EC at the final technical review of the project on the day after the Final Event. With final feedback for the technical review still pending initial responses were positive hinting at a successful conclusion of the project.